Scent for Your Safety Behind the Wheel
Ever get frustrated in 5:00 traffic? The mix of horns, radio chatter and sun setting in your eyes can be a sensory overload that all lead to a dangerous condition: road rage. But what if there were a way to deter the anger? To stop seeing red and simply take deep breaths. While playing a relaxing playlist can help calm you, let’s delve a little deeper. The power of scent can be utilized to keep road rage and other stressors at bay. By simply hanging an air freshener coated with a soothing oil such as chamomile, vanilla, or lavender, you can let go of the traffic anxiety and simply relax and enjoy your traffic time as “me time.” You’d be surprised at the power of scent—aside from affecting your current mood and surroundings, it actually helps you to project a more positive attitude among your peers.
The power of scent is stronger than many of us realize—but imagining a batch of just baked cookies or fresh cut flowers and it’s easier to understand how positive scents can lift our moods. Scented air fresheners coated in chamomile, lavender and vanilla can deter crankiness and provide an overall calming effect. Save your sanity and invest a few dollars in new air fresheners for your automobile today!